Saturday, October 15, 2005

If only you could read what's on my mind ,
See right through my eyes ;

I'm back from Obs, and boy, was it fun. (: It's so much different from anything, and the camp just mixes all kinds of feelings together- like brewing potion in a cauldron.

I'll just pen down everything. Then one day, I'd just look back and smile at these memories.

The first day was pretty much unpacking stuff and admistration. And I was missing home a hell lot. Yes, already. Then I got picked to be in Hillary, and our instructor was.. Mauricette. (: I thought she's just like any other instructor who just wants you to complete the damn course but no, she wasn't and thank god for that. Anyway, we did some I forgot what it's called, and the day passed pretty quickly. Night came, and Amadea called. (: And hell, I couldn't sleep a wink that day.

The second day was packing and trekking and it was kinda difficult to get used to the heavy backpack which weighs like a million tonnes. We camped by the seaside, I think. And then we were asked to build a raft or something to go across the quarry. And we succeeded along with Cousteau. Yes, we were buddy groups. (: And I suspected something was going on about between our instructors. Hoho. Our pretty instructor and the somewhat-manhunt longhaired guy. Mm, and we swam and cleaned ourselves in the clear waters of the quarry. It's freshwater, and it's so clean and refreshing and the afternoon sun previously didn't really contribute much to our weary bodies.

Third day- We went over to Camp 1. And we were like, woah damn. The residential people sure have it good here. And then we were always trying to pick fights with the Singapore Sports School. The guys were like showing off their bodies and holding their heads high, and the girls were like, look at me, I'm so pretty. And we were turned off by their damn haughtiness. Anyway, we kayaked. Yay.

Fourth day, we rock climbed and played some games and the day went by really fast. We trekked back to Camp 2 and saw burnt people. Yes, really burnt. (: And then we were cursing out luck cause we couldn't kayak around the island but then again, we were relieved we weren't that burnt.

Admistration again on the fifth. And we found ourselves heading back to Singapore. Went out to Seoul Garden and ate with different people from different Obs groups and chatted about just everything. Went home and plop, deep slumber.

Alright done. I'm too lazy to add too much details. Anyway, I don't care what people say but our instructor was the best. She jogs everyday on the island before we wake up and that's like super early. And she's really like a kid, she giggles ! She always entertains herself with her own jokes and giggles away. And since I was always the last man, we talked alot. And I told her she was just like a kid. And guess what, she giggled again. (: Oh, she's like a mother. She brings us around like how every instructor does. But hey, she even cooks for us ! How cool is that huh. And she was the only instructor that brings her watch to watch the sunrise. (:

I spotted her talking to Gideon- Cousteau's instructor once. Then I walked over.

Me: " So, he asked you out on a date, huh ? "
Mauricette: -smacks me with broom she's holding- " No la ! Shoo, go help the others ! " -giggles-

And while trekking,

Me: " Eh you, stop giggling and entertaining yourself. "
Mauricette: -giggles- " WHAT. " -giggles-

By the way, she's 20 only, and damn cute. (:

Now for Hillary. Yeah there're always some people that just totally piss you off at times. Imagine hearing hokkien vulgarities every night, and his useless tentmates laughs at his not-so-funny language. And he's proud to admit that he wants to talk just like a typical coffeeshop chinese beng. And he shows off his ' hot bod ' but gave up halfway during rockclimbing, after which he laughed at others who can't climb. And the irony ? He's a prefect.

But then, there ARE more others who just makes the camp tolerable. (: And yeah, I haven't got much to say but our watch's just fantastic. With Cousteau. Absolutely. (: And of course, our instructors.

I think Obs was amazing, and I admitted I enjoyed it. So you, stop putting off others, you can't enjoy the camp if you just view yourself so high up. It's fine with me that you'd rather waste 5 days complaining shit and slacking away. But it's so not fine if you think it's funny by bitching about me. Go ahead and ask the entire camp. I'd bet everyone enjoyed themselves lest for you and those you've influenced. It's YOU that's thrash, not the camp.

I'm tired. I miss tons of people. I think I'll end this post now.

I badly wanna take back what I've said. If only you'd ever speak to me again.

I miss you. Yes, you. ):

Hillary, Mauricette, Obs. <3


Blogger dtjk said...

We told you OBS rocks! Hahaha. Now you believe us. :)

6:59 AM  

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